Entropion is a condition relating to inversion of an eyelid margin, most typically with resultant trichiasis, where the eyelashes rub on the surface of the eye. Entropion can be categorized as primary or secondary in nature. Secondary entropion is either spastic (from painful ocular diseases causing severe blepharospasm) or cicatricial (scarring deformities). In a retrospective study covering a 13-year period, 124 cats with surgical correction of lower eyelid entropion (a total of 200 eyes) were evaluated . The cases were reviewed for signalment, type of entropion, surgical procedure performed, and post-operative results. The authors looked at combinations of the Hotz-Celsus (HC), lateral canthal closure, and full thickness wedge techniques in the different cases (bilateral and unilateral) of lower lid entropion.
The most common breeds represented were domestic shorthair (72), Persian (14), Russian Blue (13), domestic longhair (8), and British Blue/Shorthair (7). Persians were the most overrepresented among the different breeds at a rate of 50% with concurrent corneal sequestra. Geriatric cats were the age group most likely to develop corneal sequestra; 37% of this group presented with concurrent entropion and corneal sequestra. A combination of the HC and lateral canthal closure techniques had the highest success rate for resolving the entropion with one surgery (99.21%). The lateral canthal closures also reduce the risk of further corneal sequestration by reducing corneal exposure. The results of the study also indicate that there is a predisposition in cats that have entropion in one eye to develop entropion in the other eye. Therefore, it is also recommended that a prophylactic lateral canthal closure in the unaffected eye be recommended. [VT]
See also: Williams D and Kim J-Y. Feline entropion: a case series of 50 affected animals (2003-2008). Vet Ophthalmol. 2009; 12: 221-6.
Related blog articles:
Feline entropion (August 2009)
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