
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nasal Lymphoma in Cats

Haney, S. M., L. Beaver, et al. (2009). "Survival analysis of 97 cats with nasal lymphoma: a multi-institutional retrospective study (1986-2006)." J Vet Intern Med 23(2): 287-294.

While lymphoma is one of the most common cancer types affecting cats, nasal lymphoma is relatively rare. This retrospective study examined survival times in cats given different therapies, and evaluated response to treatment, duration of response, and prognostic factors. Records of 97 cats from various veterinary centers in the United States diagnosed with nasal lymphoma were analyzed. Two methods of survival analysis were used. In the first method, only deaths caused by progressive lymphoma were counted. The median survival time for these cats, regardless of treatment modality, was 536 days. In the second method, all deaths regardless of cause were counted. The median survival time for these cats was 172 days. There were no statistical differences in survival times based on treatment modality (radiation therapy alone, chemotherapy alone, radiation therapy plus chemotherapy). The results must be interpreted with caution, as many confounding variables were present. The investigators did note that inclusion of radiation therapy was critical to controlling the disease at the site (nasal cavity), and a higher dose of radiation may increase survival time. Anemia appeared to be an indicator of poor prognosis. [MK]
>> PubMed Abstract

Related articles:
Little, L., R. Patel, et al. (2007). "Nasal and nasopharyngeal lymphoma in cats: 50 cases (1989-2005)." Vet Pathol 44(6): 885-92.
>> PubMed Abstract

Sfiligoi, G., A. P. Theon, et al. (2007). "Response of nineteen cats with nasal lymphoma to radiation therapy and chemotherapy." Vet Radiol Ultrasound 48(4): 388-93.
>> PubMed Abstract

More on cat health: Winn Feline Foundation Library
Haney, S. M., L. Beaver, et al. (2009). "Survival analysis of 97 cats with nasal lymphoma: a multi-institutional retrospective study (1986-2006)." J Vet Intern Med 23(2): 287-294.

While lymphoma is one of the most common cancer types affecting cats, nasal lymphoma is relatively rare. This retrospective study examined survival times in cats given different therapies, and evaluated response to treatment, duration of response, and prognostic factors. Records of 97 cats from various veterinary centers in the United States diagnosed with nasal lymphoma were analyzed. Two methods of survival analysis were used. In the first method, only deaths caused by progressive lymphoma were counted. The median survival time for these cats, regardless of treatment modality, was 536 days. In the second method, all deaths regardless of cause were counted. The median survival time for these cats was 172 days. There were no statistical differences in survival times based on treatment modality (radiation therapy alone, chemotherapy alone, radiation therapy plus chemotherapy). The results must be interpreted with caution, as many confounding variables were present. The investigators did note that inclusion of radiation therapy was critical to controlling the disease at the site (nasal cavity), and a higher dose of radiation may increase survival time. Anemia appeared to be an indicator of poor prognosis. [MK]
>> PubMed Abstract

Related articles:
Little, L., R. Patel, et al. (2007). "Nasal and nasopharyngeal lymphoma in cats: 50 cases (1989-2005)." Vet Pathol 44(6): 885-92.
>> PubMed Abstract

Sfiligoi, G., A. P. Theon, et al. (2007). "Response of nineteen cats with nasal lymphoma to radiation therapy and chemotherapy." Vet Radiol Ultrasound 48(4): 388-93.
>> PubMed Abstract

More on cat health: Winn Feline Foundation Library
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Monday, April 20, 2009

Intestinal Intussusception in Cats

Burkitt, J. M., K. J. Drobatz, et al. (2009). "Signalment, history, and outcome of cats with gastrointestinal tract intussusception: 20 cases (1986-2000)." J Am Vet Med Assoc 234(6): 771-6.

The medical records of 20 cats were evaluated for a retrospective study of gastrointestinal intussusception. The diagnosis for intussusception was confirmed either by surgical exploration or on necropsy. Ten of the cats were less than 1 year of age, 9 were six years of age or older, and the remaining cat was 2 years of age. The most common reasons for presentation were anorexia (14/17), lethargy (12/17), and vomiting (12/17). Fourteen cats had reported medical conditions in the preceding 30 days. The major physical examination findings were dehydration, poor body condition, signs of abdominal pain, and an abdominal mass. While abdominal radiographs were useful in indicating the presence of a possible intestinal obstruction, abdominal ultrasonography appears the most accurate pre-surgical method for diagnosis of intussusception in cats. Thirteen of the cats underwent surgical exploration, with manual reduction alone performed in 2 cats and resection with anastomosis performed in 11 cats. Twelve of the 20 cats had an enteroenteric intussusception, predominantly jejuno-jejunal, and 8 had an entero-colic intussusception. Histologic examination of the tissue indicated that young cats may be more likely to have idiopathic intussusception, and older cats may be more likely to have primary gastrointestinal disease such as lymphoma or inflammatory bowel disease [VT].
>> PubMed Abstract

Related articles:
Patsikas, M., L. Papazoglou, et al. (2003). "Ultrasonographic findings of intestinal intussusception in seven cats." J Fel Med Surg 5(6): 335-343.
>> PubMed Abstract

Doherty, D., E. Welsh, et al. (2000). "Intestinal intussusception in five postparturient queens." Vet Rec 146(21): 614-616.
>> PubMed Abstract

More on cat health: Winn Feline Foundation Library
Burkitt, J. M., K. J. Drobatz, et al. (2009). "Signalment, history, and outcome of cats with gastrointestinal tract intussusception: 20 cases (1986-2000)." J Am Vet Med Assoc 234(6): 771-6.

The medical records of 20 cats were evaluated for a retrospective study of gastrointestinal intussusception. The diagnosis for intussusception was confirmed either by surgical exploration or on necropsy. Ten of the cats were less than 1 year of age, 9 were six years of age or older, and the remaining cat was 2 years of age. The most common reasons for presentation were anorexia (14/17), lethargy (12/17), and vomiting (12/17). Fourteen cats had reported medical conditions in the preceding 30 days. The major physical examination findings were dehydration, poor body condition, signs of abdominal pain, and an abdominal mass. While abdominal radiographs were useful in indicating the presence of a possible intestinal obstruction, abdominal ultrasonography appears the most accurate pre-surgical method for diagnosis of intussusception in cats. Thirteen of the cats underwent surgical exploration, with manual reduction alone performed in 2 cats and resection with anastomosis performed in 11 cats. Twelve of the 20 cats had an enteroenteric intussusception, predominantly jejuno-jejunal, and 8 had an entero-colic intussusception. Histologic examination of the tissue indicated that young cats may be more likely to have idiopathic intussusception, and older cats may be more likely to have primary gastrointestinal disease such as lymphoma or inflammatory bowel disease [VT].
>> PubMed Abstract

Related articles:
Patsikas, M., L. Papazoglou, et al. (2003). "Ultrasonographic findings of intestinal intussusception in seven cats." J Fel Med Surg 5(6): 335-343.
>> PubMed Abstract

Doherty, D., E. Welsh, et al. (2000). "Intestinal intussusception in five postparturient queens." Vet Rec 146(21): 614-616.
>> PubMed Abstract

More on cat health: Winn Feline Foundation Library
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