Deslorelin is a drug classed as a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue. It has been used in various species, usually as a long-lasting implant, to control fertility. The drug is currently not licensed for this use in dogs or cats in Canada or the United States. However, several studies have evaluated the use of deslorelin implants to control fertility in domestic queens. Estrus behavior and estrogen secretion can be suppressed for more than 1 year after the implant is placed.
The goal of this study was to determine if the effect of the drug on ovarian activity is truly reversible, thereby allowing for only temporary suppression of reproduction when desired. Ten mature queens were given deslorelin implants and monitored with vaginal cytology for 90 days, after which the implants were removed. Ten days later, the queens were treated to induce estrus and ovulation and then spayed. As has been documented previously, some queens went into estrus shortly after the implant was placed but then estrus was suppressed in all queens. Following implant removal, all queens responded to treatment to induce estrus and ovulation and oocytes were recovered from the ovaries at surgery. The researchers conclude that deslorelin implants can be used as reversible, short-term contraception in queens. [SL]
See also: Toydemir TSF, Kılıçarslan MR and Olgaç V. Effects of the GnRH analogue deslorelin implants on reproduction in female domestic cats. Theriogenology. 2012; 77: 662-74.
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