Nutritional adequacy and performance of raw food diets in kittens
Investigators: Beth Hamper, Claudia Kirk, Joe Bartges
University of Tennessee
Both raw diets met the claims for nutritional adequacy. White blood cell counts were slightly elevated in the kittens fed the homemade raw diet, likely a reflection of the higher microbial content. Innate immunity appeared to function at a higher level in the kittens fed a raw diet. One litter of 4 kittens experienced diarrhea. Overgrowth of Clostridium perfringens was later documented; this bacterium thrives in the gut on high protein diets. Two of the litters had diarrhea due to Anaerobiosprillium spp, a normal flora but capable of causing disease. Digestibility was highest for the raw diets, leading to less fecal matter. A final report will be available upon completion of the primary investigator’s dissertation. [MK]
Related articles: Stiver S, Frazier K, Mauel M and Styer E. Septicemic salmonellosis in two cats fed a raw-meat diet. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 2003; 39: 538-42.
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