
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mass Disarmament in U.S.- government plans to criminalize all gun owners! Natural News ongoing coverage of this "civil war on the brink"

What state do you live in?
Are you depressed or on psych meds?
Do you hunt, or are you being hunted?
Do you know how Hitler killed millions of people? He took their guns first!

U.S.government plans to criminalize all gun owners thus curbing personal freedom


Natural News reports that U.S. authorities are all set with a plan to criminalize all gun owners all over the country. Senator Dianne Feinstein has already drafted a plan of gun registration and confiscation. Many are seeing this as a direct breach of personal freedom and the liberty to keep guns that has been bestowed upon U.S. citizens by the constitution. They think that the Second Amendment is thus being revoked and the right to keep firearms is being breached.


The law proposed by Feinstein would outlaw the possession of all sorts of assault rifles and semi-automatic rifles. Nearly all handguns will also be outlawed and people would be able to keep only “permanently disabled weapons.” There is also a plan to raise the funding of ATF in order to facilitate more frequent raids on gun owners. Moreover, thousands of domestic gun manufacturers will be barred and their businesses would be shut down thus hitting the already struggling U.S. economy with more blows. The proposed law would ban all magazines over 10 rounds and thus criminalize thousands of Americans instantly. In the near future, U.S. citizens may need the approval of local police chiefs in order to keep guns.


The law proposed by Senator Feinstein seems to be designed on the plan drafted by Hitler. The Nazi army enforced gun registration before gun confiscation and unleashing genocide on the general public. Similarly, U.S. authorities also are trying to create a country wide database of gun owners through registration and fingerprinting. Natural News opines that though people may think that the government would allow them to keep their guns after completion of these processes, the entire process of registration and fingerprinting would provide the authorities with the much needed ‘confiscation list’ that would help them conduct a door to door search.



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