
Sunday, January 13, 2013

14 Babies Killed In Argentina During Vaccine Study

GlaxoSmithKline Fined For Killing 14 Babies During Illegal Vaccine Study 2007-2008

Gets Fined $6,643 Per Child!

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Argentina Laboratories company was fined 400,000 Pesos (approx. 90,000 dollars) by Judge Marcelo Aguinsky following a report issued by the National Administration of Medicine, Food and Technology (ANMAT) for the killing of 14 babies during illegal lab vaccine trials conducted between 2007 and 2008 in Argentina.

Likewise, two doctors, Héctor Abate, and Miguel Tregnaghi- were fined 300,000 Pesos (approx. 70,000 dollars) each for irregularities during the studies.

The charges included experimenting with human beings and falsifying parental authorizations so babies could participate in vaccine-trials conducted by the laboratory from 2007 to 2008.

Since 2007, 15,000 children under the age of 1 year old from Mendoza, San Juan and Santiago del Estero have been included in the research protocol, according to a statement of regarding the study. All of the participates in the study were babies that were recruited from poor families that attended to public hospitals.

A Total Of 7 Babies Died In Santiago Del Estero; 5 In Mendoza & 2 In San Juan.

Pediatrician Ana Marchese, M.D., who reported the case through the Argentine Federation of Health Professionals (FESPROSA), and was working at the Eva Perón children's public hospital in Santiago del Estero when the studies were being conducted, said in a radio interview that “GSK Argentina set a protocol at the hospital, and recruited several doctors working there.”

“These doctors took advantage of many illiterate parents whom take their children for treatment by pressuring and forcing them into signing 28-page consent forms and getting them involved in the trials.”

“Laboratories can't experiment in Europe or the United States, so they come to do it in third-world countries.“

Colombian and Panama were also chosen by GSK as staging grounds for trials of the vaccine against the pneumococcal bacteria.

 Studies have shown, in the case of flu vaccines, that children increase their chances of contracting the flu if they were vaccinated.

Likewise, Marchese, explained the modus operandi: “Once an approved and chosen patient arrived, they would automatically disappear to be taken somewhere else in order to be treated by those doctors specifically recruited by GSK. These kinds of practices are not legal and occurred without any type of state control, plus they don’t comply with minimum ethical requirements.”

Marchese also offers that “laboratory trials on human beings are not legal in Argentina.”

Furthermore, the pediatrician explained “it is also known that in various particular cases, the doctors who had conducted the trials did not answer the calls made by the worried parents after witnessing their babies’ reactions to the vaccines.”

A recent study out of the University of Minnesota (UM) suggests that it the flu vaccine isn't necessary, having found that the two groups most at risk from developing serious complications from the flu, seniors and children, derive little to no benefit from getting flu shots!
Dr. Marchese called out the Governor of Santiago del Estero, Gerardo Zamora, because “he never ever came out to comment on the case, and the same happened with national deputies and senators that didn’t even bother discussing a hot topic that was echoed worldwide.

"I’m also ashamed of the scientific community that also kept its mouth shut" Ana Marchese, M.D.

History has shown vaccinations to be deadly and ineffective. 

GlaxoSmithKline is a global pharmaceutical, biologics, vaccines and consumer healthcare company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the world's third-largest pharmaceutical company measured by revenues after Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer.

Ironically, if one visits GlaxoSmithKline Argentina web site it welcomes the reader with a company disclosure that says: “We have a challenging and inspiring mission to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer.”


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