
Friday, February 1, 2013

DECLARATION OF “DEPENDENCE:” - No organic cheese, milk or meat shall prosper in America!


Feds are looking to shut down any and all competition and confiscate or destroy all resources of any small or medium farmers who look to sell healthy milk, meat or cheese. Search and destroy is the mission. Any time in America a wholesome, holistic, organic small farm becomes competition for the corporations and entities that run the MEAT, MILK, CHEESE AND BUTTER industry, there WILL BE CONSEQUENCES. The Ruling Class (FDA/ATF/CDC) is using SWAT teams and armed security to enforce the new “mandate” and shut down anyone legally trying to compete with DEAD FOOD.

There shall be no competition which does not cook and alter the nutritional value of the CHEESE, BUTTER, MILK AND MEAT. No company shall thrive in the face of useless food and take away from the Big Ag market share, as the economy suffers. No farmers shall keep their seeds. All dairy products, regardless of what tests and research shows, shall “deaden” the food using approved processes, including homogenation and pasteurization, and including hormones and antibiotics for the animals, without sacrificing funding and random raids by armed agents.

Natural News exposes “nutrition deadening processes”

“Ultra High Temperature (UHT) Pasteurization completely sterilizes a liquid. This process is utilized for the "boxes of milk" that can be shelved at room temperature. For UHT Pasteurization, milk is heated to 285 degrees F for a second or two.

Homogenization is a more recently invented process and it has been called "the worst thing that dairymen did to milk." When milk is homogenized, it is pushed through a fine filter at pressures of 4,000 pounds per square inch. In this process, the fat globules are made smaller by a factor of ten times or more. These fat molecules then become evenly dispersed throughout the milk.”

Learn more: 

In the News: Swat team shuts down Farmer’s Community Picnic:

This was a gathering of people invited to our farm for dinner, I had no idea that the Health Department would become involved. I received a phone call from them two days before the event informing me that because this was a “public event” (I would like to know what is the definition of “public” and “private”) we would be required to apply for a “special use permit.” If we did not do so immediately, we would be charged a ridiculous fine. Stunned, we immediately Complied. H/T: Carol’s Blog

  • Some of the prepared food packages did not have labels on them. (The code actually allows for this if it is to be consumed within 72 hours.)
  • Some of the meat was not USDA certified. (Did I mention that this was a farm to fork meal?)
  • Some of the food that was prepared in advance was not up to temperature at the time of inspection. (It was being prepared to be brought to proper temperature for serving when the inspection occurred.)
  • Even the vegetables prepared in advance had to be thrown out because they were cut and were then considered a “bio-hazard”.
  • We did not have receipts for our food. (Reminder! This food came from farms not from the supermarket! I have talked with several chefs who have said that in all their years cooking they have never been asked for receipts. Heads up: The clip does bog down into a natural food promotion.


CHEESE AND BUTTER BLOCKS FOR THE POOR! U.S. feeds its people disease and dead food:




Natural News is reporting the following:


“There is a reason why America's founding fathers were willing to shed their own blood to gain independence from the crushing authoritarianism of the Crown of England. Nearly three years after first becoming a target for destruction by state and federal government agencies, Morningland Dairy of Mountain View, Missouri, has officially and forcibly been driven out of business by a rogue police state that recently confiscated, at gunpoint, most of the farm's inventory of perfectly safe, raw cheese, which was valued at roughly $250,000.”




“Achieving outstanding health is not complicated. The human body already knows how to be healthy. All you have to do is give your body outstanding nutrition so that it has the building materials it needs to heal disease and rebuild itself from the inside out. You must also avoid all of the foods and food ingredients that cause disease. Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise."

   --Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

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