
Thursday, January 3, 2013

U.S. Senator Hitler? Ban all Guns in USA???


"U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein is a traitor to America. In her own words, she openly explained that her goal was to take away all the guns from "Mr. and Mrs. America." Click here to watch Feinstein's video admission of her total disarmament plan. Astonishingly, Feinstein says in the same video that she carried a concealed weapon to protect her and her family,

Senator Hitler?

First the government bans guns, then they round up the masses for concentration camps: History and Today: A Natural News realistic look at our near future in USA
Senator Dianne Feinstein posting news about her plan to ban nearly all guns in America!


Who’s ready to repeat history? Hitler made everyone register their guns, just before he took them and began mass genocide. That was just 70 years ago, not centuries ago. But every time there’s a school shooting, the mass media reinforces the false need to ban guns, because, of course, guns shoot people all by themselves all the time, not the people who are on psycho meds that make them violent and suicidal.


Gun registration ALWAYS leads to gun confiscation:


“It would be instructive at this time to recall why the American citizenry and Congress have historically opposed the registration of firearms. The reason is plain. Registration makes it easy for a tyrannical government to confiscate firearms and to make prey of its subjects. Denying this historical fact is no more justified than denying that the Holocaust occurred or that the Nazis murdered millions unarmed people.”


Read your blogs, websites and social networking outreach campaigns. Get your email lists, phone lists and friends lists ready for action.


Social media is one of the most powerful communication tools in the world. Television, radio, newspapers, billboards and faxes have nothing on the power of instant social media news, based on current events, attitudes, intellect, and real life. As this new gun confiscation campaign gains momentum in the U.S. Government and lamestream media, it will be the peoples’ job to spread the word of new tyranny and outrage.



Get ready for the revolution. The Government you think is helping you … is going to take you out like flies. Start spreading the word in your own words, on Facebook, Twitter, LinkdIn, Flickr, YouTube, everywhere!


Nazis murdered millions of unarmed people:


Remember, once the gun registration law is passed, they can simply keep amending the law to confiscate more and more guns, even simple hand guns and hunting rifles. The fraudulent Government is most afraid of a rebellion, so gun control is first and foremost. When the fiscal cliff comes, when inflation comes hard, when most food is toxic, when most medicine is toxic, when supplements are outlawed, when voting machines are all electronic and fixed, when Ron Paul can’t debate because he’s not part of the ruling class, when the rich rob the poor, that’s when it’s time to fight.


A pen may be mightier than a sword, but you may want your loaded gun when the MAN comes and kicks in your door to take away another Bill of Right!

Learn more:

Natural News coverage: Forthcoming gun-owner nationwide registration and fingerprinting: could it be true? When?

“If Sen. Feinstein's outrageous, unconstitutional and freedom-crushing proposal becomes law, it would require all gun owners to register the serial numbers of all their guns with the federal government. They would have to supply fingerprints, undergo a new round of background checks, and somehow get the "permission" of a local police chief or Sheriff who will vouch for them.”



Read more about firearm restrictions and the right to bear arms as Natural News reports are ongoing!



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