
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dentists use mercury fillings, radiation exposure, toxic fluoride, and other cancer causing practices


Does your dentist push for x-rays once a year or once every two years?


Does your dentist tell you that fluoride is good for strengthening teeth?


Are the hand held x-ray machines safe, or are they giving people organ damage?


Are any x-rays too many x-rays, when coupled with other radiation you receive, including x-rays at the dentist, the doctor, the airport, radiation from you cell phone, and from your microwave oven too?


Ionizing radiation is widely used in industry and medicine, and it presents a significant health hazard. Why don’t dentists and x-ray technicians cover your throat and head when you get x-ray treatment? They always cover your genitals, to protect your future offspring, but what about YOU?! The doctor or dentist or x-ray tech leaves the room, but your brain and body are unguarded. Is it in your best interest, to fight off those cavities you might get one day? Got to have those x-rays so the dentist can do his job, or her job, which is what? To drill out the plaque and decay in your teeth and fill the hole with mercury? To find cavities and decay early with radiation that gives you an “incurable” disease later called cancer? Is that in your best interest?



What if the medical industry makes it easier for dentists to do their job, but at your expense, is that still okay? Should you know more about dentists in the U.K. who are using hand held x-ray machines that expose their patients to 10 times the radiation in one session? Is that next in America?


You won’t believe it, but it’s true. Natural News has this story and it’s a must read!


“Once again, the penny pinching bureaucrats running Great Britain's National Health Service, notable for a euthanasia program that kills 130,000 people a year, may be responsible for creating yet another unhealthy environment for British subjects.

In this case, British dentists have been warned against using a cheap, hand-held x-ray machine on their patients because they pose a significant health risk.

According to the BBC, the imported machines, known as the Tianjie Dental Falcon, expose "users and patients to 10 times the normal level of radiation, increasing their risks of cancer and organ damage."

Learn more:

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