
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nasal Lymphoma in Cats

Haney, S. M., L. Beaver, et al. (2009). "Survival analysis of 97 cats with nasal lymphoma: a multi-institutional retrospective study (1986-2006)." J Vet Intern Med 23(2): 287-294.

While lymphoma is one of the most common cancer types affecting cats, nasal lymphoma is relatively rare. This retrospective study examined survival times in cats given different therapies, and evaluated response to treatment, duration of response, and prognostic factors. Records of 97 cats from various veterinary centers in the United States diagnosed with nasal lymphoma were analyzed. Two methods of survival analysis were used. In the first method, only deaths caused by progressive lymphoma were counted. The median survival time for these cats, regardless of treatment modality, was 536 days. In the second method, all deaths regardless of cause were counted. The median survival time for these cats was 172 days. There were no statistical differences in survival times based on treatment modality (radiation therapy alone, chemotherapy alone, radiation therapy plus chemotherapy). The results must be interpreted with caution, as many confounding variables were present. The investigators did note that inclusion of radiation therapy was critical to controlling the disease at the site (nasal cavity), and a higher dose of radiation may increase survival time. Anemia appeared to be an indicator of poor prognosis. [MK]
>> PubMed Abstract

Related articles:
Little, L., R. Patel, et al. (2007). "Nasal and nasopharyngeal lymphoma in cats: 50 cases (1989-2005)." Vet Pathol 44(6): 885-92.
>> PubMed Abstract

Sfiligoi, G., A. P. Theon, et al. (2007). "Response of nineteen cats with nasal lymphoma to radiation therapy and chemotherapy." Vet Radiol Ultrasound 48(4): 388-93.
>> PubMed Abstract

More on cat health: Winn Feline Foundation Library

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